We remember stumbling upon an elderberry bush on our land around the same time God had been showing us things in 2 Kings 3-4. God was showing us how to prepare for a blessing! Less than a week later, a big storm hit and a big tree fell on the one elderberry bush we knew of at the time and literally broke 90 percent of the canes off. We pressed in and pressed on, continuing to learn a great deal about this immune-supporting powerhouse that thrived on our land. As most of us did, we had some spare time in 2020 and we cleared about a quarter of an acre, learned to propagate elderberry, planted, rows of 70+ plants, experimented with rooting cuttings, and took decided to sell rooted cuttings spring 2021. We made a shocking profit off that effort and God has continued to multiply "the oil" each passing year! We praise Him for the gifts He gives!